The World PETIN - METON calendar


    Contents –         


Examples I - IV.  The passing  from the World Petin-Meton calendar

                          (Gregorian part) to existing  the Gregorian calendar.


      The  examples of calculation  of the World Petin-Meton calendar (Gregorian part) -  102,  2004  AD  etc

         is considered below.

I. Example.  The passing  from the World Petin-Meton calendar (Gregorian part)

                       to existing  the Gregorian calendar

       1.  102 – 11 = 91 days ,   as  date 102 > data 11, which is  December, 31 in the preceding year.


  Note.  If  date  <  11,  for example date of the World PETIN-METON calendar is  9,  2004  AD,

                       it’s necessary to make correction:

                    1A.            2004     years

                            -    1   


                           2003 years ,  and then

         2A.      9 – 11 + 365 =363  days,  (see table 1 column Simple -  )

         3A.      363

                   –334  ,   where:  334  is mod Mi  for [1+...+11] months  (table 1).


                        29 days,  i.e.  December 29.

        4A.      Finally,  date 9, 2004  AD  [the World Petin-Meton calendar (Gregorian part)] is December 29, 2003 AD                     (existing  the Gregorian calendar)



Note«LeapG» is a Gregorian leap year, i.e. +1 day.

           «LeapM» is a Meton leap year, i.e. -1 day.


          The rule of definition of simple solar years

          at which the duration of each year is equal to 365 days, but years:

à) multiple of            4, are equal to 365+1 = 366 days,  i.e.  leapG years;

á) multiple of        100, are equal to 365 days;

â) multiple of        400, are equal to 365+1 = 366 days,  i.e.  leapG years;

ã) multiple of      3200, are equal to 365 days;

ä) multiple of 134 400, are equal to 365+1 = 366 days,   i.e.  leapG years.


       2.    As  2004  is a leapG year  and 102 > 59,    therefore


       3.     92 – 91 = 1 April,  here  91 is modMg  for [1+2+3] months  (table 1).

               Finally, date 102, 2004 AD [the World Petin-Meton calendar (Gregorian part)] is April 1,  2004  AD, 

               LeapG  year.              


II.  The definition of  JD.  Date 1 of April,  2004

      4.   2004 year

               – 1,  i.e.     the correction between  BC/AD


            2003 year

      5.   2003 : K1 = 5,0075,    where:   K1 = 400 from the table 2 -( )

                                                       for interval of (>400) – 2800 years.

         We take  5 instead of   5,0075

                     5 x K1 = 5 x 400 = 2000 years

                     5 x K2  = 730 485  days,   where:  K2 = 146 097 from the table 2

                                                                          for interval of (>400) – 2800 years.

       6.  2003 – 2000 =3 years

       7.   3 : K1 = 1 ,   where:   K1 = 3  from the table 2

                                         for interval of (>3) – 4 years.

              1 x K1 =3 years

              1 x K2 = 1095  days,   where:  K2 = 1095 from the table 2

                                                        for interval of (>3) – 4 years.

       8.   For leapG  year  and the [1+2+3] months  (before April, see table 1) modMg = 91 days.

       9.   The sum of days:

             730 485




            731 671 days

     10.  Finally,  JD for  April 1, 2004

              731 671

           1 721 426    i.e.  JD of   January 01, 1 AD                    


         2 453 097 days   i.e.  April 1,  2004   it coincides with a result of the working algorithm for Forsythe’s   



III.   Return  account

        1.    2 453 097 days ,  i. e.  JD  of  a solar date X   (the sum)     

    - 1 721 426,  i.e.  JD  of   January  01, 1 AD        ( the augend)


         731 671  days    ...(the addend) , i.e. interval (JD) between January 01, 1 AD and a solar date X.


2.   731 671 : K2 =5, 0081,     where:  K2 = 146 097 from the table 2  -  ( )

                                                              for interval  of 146 098 – 1 022 679 days.

We take  5 instead of   5,0081

                    5 x K1 = 5 x 400 = 2000 years,  where:  K1 = 400 from table 2   for interval  of 146 098 – 1 022 679 days.

                    5 x K2  = 730 485  days,   where:  K2 = 146 097 from the table 2

3.        731 671

         - 730 485 


               1186 days – interval with leapG year (table 2), i.e. JD between January 01, 2001 AD and a solar date X.

4.   1186 : K2 = 1,084,  ,     where:  K2 = 1095 from the table 2

                                                         for interval  of 1096 – 1 461 days.

           We take  1 instead of   1,084 and

                    1 x K1 = 1 x 3 = 3 years,   where:  K1 = 3  from the table 2  for interval  of 1096 – 1 461 days.

                    1 x K2  = 1095  days,   where:  K2 = 1095  from the table 2.

5.      1186 days

       - 1095


             91 days  in the leapG year  (the augend), i.e. JD between January 01, 2004 AD and a solar date X.


6.    It is necessary to define a quantity of months and days between  January 01, 2004 AD and a solar date X.

       In leapG  year  a nearest mini modMg (table 1) is 91 days, i.e.  the [1+2+3] months and 00 days.


7.            January  01,  2004  AD

      +    3 months  00                        


                   April  01,  2004  AD

8 .   The sum

                     1   i.e. .  the correction between  BC/AD

      +       2000 years

                     3 years


              2004 years   ,  i.e.   finally   April  1,  2004 (existing Gregorian calendar)



          IV. Example The passing  from existing  the Gregorian calendar

                     to the World PETIN-METON calendar (Gregorian part).

It is necessary to make the following:   

6A.   After  mentioned above point 5 Example III

                          92 days

                       + 11 days


                        103 days   

Notes: a) if the given result is equal to 71 in the leapG year – this is date 366 in the World PETIN-METON  


             b) if the result is equal to < 71 in any year, point 7A mentioned below no required

             c) any result in the simple year  doesn't require  point 7A.

7A.   As  two conditions (leapG year and  103 > 71) are simultaneously

                        103 days

                       -    1 day     i.e.  leapG day  


                        102 days,    i.e.  finally   102,   2004 (Gregorian part of the World PETIN-METON calendar)


     Contents –                 



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