The World PETIN - METON calendar

   Contents –          
            XI. Example. The control of the calculating 
How does it calculate misalignments for:
- Day 1, Month 11, Year 2108  (4 October 2108 AD), 
- Day 1, Month  2, Year 2198  (8 January 2198 AD) ?
Is it the number of days that the new moon 
comes after 12:00 of the first day of the month?
Suppose, that the New Moon was on the Greenwich 
meridian at noon (12.00) Day 01 Month 1, 1 AD, 1721436 JD 
(or 11 January, 1 AD).
  This is an initial point of calculating.
   In the World PETIN-METON Calendar:
  Meton cycle(Simple)= 6940 days = 235 lunations = 
                     = 19 solar(lunar) years.
  Meton cycle(LeapM) = 6939 days = 235 lunations = 
                     = 19 solar(lunar) years.
  2 x Meton cycle(Simple)+ Meton cycle(LeapM)=
             = 6940+6940+6939 = 20819 days = 
          = 705 lunations = 57 solar(lunar) years. 
  5x[2xMeton cycle(Simple)+ Meton cycle(LeapM)] + Meton cycle(Simple)= 
       = 111035 days = 3760 lunations = 304 solar(lunar) years 
See also Tables 1-6 and Examples IX-X 
of Enclosure 3 -  .
I.           Interval of time from Date 1 Month 1, 1 AD 
   to Date 1 Month 11, 2108 AD equals:
2108-1=2107 lunar years and 10 lunar months.
2107 = 6x304 + 4x57 + 1x38 + 17 years, where:
6x304 years = 666210 days     or 22560 lunations 
   4x 57       =  83276              2820
   1x 38(table 6)   =  13879               470
      17 (table 5) =   6172               209
                 769537 days     or 26059 lunations  
   It's necessary to add 10 lunar months = 5x(30+29)=295 days.
II.       Finally interval of time from Date 1 Month 1, 1 AD (1721436 JD)
   to Date 1 Month 11, 2108 AD equals:
769537+295=769832 days (or 
26059+10=26069 lunations).
Further: 769832+1721436 = 2491268 JD
It is corresponds to the noon (12.00) 4 October 2108 AD
(Gregorian calendar).
If the period of the Moon revolution equals 29.530588 days, 
then 29,530588x26069=769832,90 days.
In this case the misalignment equals:
769832,90 – 769832 = +0,90 days.
It is necessary to add this misalignment +0,90 days to
12.00 4 October 2108 AD for defining the actual New Moon time, 
which will be 09.36 5 October 2108 AD.
III.   Analogically for Date 1 Month 2, 2198 AD.
Interval of time from Date 1 Month 1, 1 AD to Date 1 Month 2,
2198 AD equals:
2198-1=2197 lunar years and 1 lunar month.
2197 = 7x304 + 1x57 + 12 years, where:
7x304 = 777245 days       or    26320 lunations
1x 57 =  20819                    705
   12 =   4341 (table 5)          147
        802405 days       or    27172 lunations 
 It's necessary to add 1 lunar month = 30 days (or 1 lunation). 
Finally interval of time from Date 1 Month 1, 1 AD (1721436 JD) 
to Date 1 Month 2, 2198 AD equals:
802405+30=802435 days (or 
27172+1=27173 lunations).
Further: 802435+1721436 = 2523871 JD 
It is corresponds to the noon (12.00) 8 January 2198 AD,
2523871 JD (Gregorian calendar).
 The period of the Moon revolution equals 29.530588 days, 
then 29,530588x27173=802434,67 days.
In this case the misalignment equals:
802434,67 – 802435 = -0,34 days.
It is necessary to subtract this misalignment -0,34 days 
from 12.00 8 January 2198 AD for defining the actual 
New Moon time, which will be 03.44 8 January 2198 AD. 


Contents –                 


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